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Weekly Update - 13th June 2024

13 Jun 2024


We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…

Message from the Kitchen

Sharon has now added pizza to the menu every FRIDAY.  This is in addition to the usual fish and chips, jacket potato and sandwich option.  It was certainly a popular choice this morning!

School Photographs
We are welcoming Rachel-Evelyn from Sweetpea Photography on â€‹Monday 17th June 2024.  
Rachel will be working to take photos of the children individually and with their siblings. As well as a group photo of our Year 6 children. 
If you would like to have a photo of your child with their younger sibling (children not yet at our school). These photos will take place at the start of the school day 8.45am. 
St Michael’s Hospice Shop Visit – Year Five and Six
Just a reminder to please give permissions for this trip before Friday.

HOMEWORK! Clever Never Goes
You may remember that PCSO Heather came into school earlier in the year to talk to the children about Clever Never Goes.  She would like to invite the children to design a poster to tell other children about this important message.  We are setting this as a homework task to help the children to consolidate their learning and to give them the opportunity to share what they have learned with you at home.  We would like to surprise PCSO Heather when she return towards the end of term with some super posters - there may even be prizes for the best ones!  Please can your child return their poster on an A4 sheet of paper by Monday 1st July.  We have attached the information sheet previously sent out to parents for your information.  Many thanks


Wellbeing Day
We are all looking forward to our visit to the Himalayan Gardens and Sculpture Park on Thursday 27th June.  Our Wellbeing Ambassadors, Leroy and Daisy, have been working hard to arrange this for everyone and will send out more details when they have carried out their 'recce' on Monday.  Just a reminder that school will be closed for Nursery children that day.  Miss Mandelson will catch up with those Nursery families who have indicated that they are interested in meeting us there to provide information.

A few reminders:

Please can we politely remind parents that children should not be in school if they have experienced any sickness or diarrhoea.  They should remain at home for 48 hours after the last episode.  Please see the following NHS information which explains the reasons for this:
Diarrhoea and vomiting - NHS (

The weather so far this month has been rather disappointing for June!  Please could children ensure that they remember a coat as we try to get outside whatever the weather if possible.

Get ready for FEAST: Free holiday activities and meals this Summer for eligible families
FEAST offers holiday activities and healthy meals to children and young people this summer holiday. All families are welcome to join in, with free places for eligible children and young people. 
This summer, demand for FEAST places may be high. Please look out for your voucher, which you should receive via email or text from HolidayActivities on Monday 17th June (a screen shot of how the email will appear is attached - parents have fed back to us that they sometimes overlooked the emails as they thought they were junk/spam)). Bookings will go live on the same day - Monday 17th June. 
We encourage families to log in and discover all the fantastic activities available, and to request their bookings as soon as possible.
If you believe your child is eligible and you have not yet received your voucher by Tuesday 18th June, or you have lost it, please contact the school office.
To learn more about FEAST, and for information on activities, eligibility and how to manage your bookings, visit the FEAST website. For a step-by-step guide on how to redeem your vouchers and book a place using HolidayActivities, watch this video

Message from Friends

Comedy Night
Tickets are still available for the Comedy Night on Friday 28th June at West Tanfield Village hall. Tickets £20 for a great night out!

D Day Event
Ripon Walled Garden are holding a series of D-Day 80th Anniversary events on Tuesday 18th, Saturday 29th June and Tuesday 2nd July to help raise funds to continue the work the charity does in supporting adults and young people with learning disabilities with work-based learning and day care activities.
The Walled Garden will have the life size knitted tank for the duration and then there will be live music performances, staff in wartime costumes and the cafe will serve a wartime menu on special event days - please see the poster displayed around school for more information.

Have a lovely weekend


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