School Meals

St. Nicholas C of E Primary
School Meals

We currently provide school meals working with our colleagues at North Yorkshire County Caterers. Here at St Nicholas our meals are cooked on site by our cook Sharon.

Each day there is a choice of a hot meal  or a jacket potato with a choice of filling. Our menus are set half termly in advance and rotate every three weeks. 

We like to welcome parents into school to have lunch with the children and send invitations to join us for special occasions such as Harvest Festival and  Christmas. We also organise our Family Lunches regularly throughout the year. 
Free School Meals With many families facing financial hardship as the cost of living increases, we are doing all that we can to ensure that every family that is eligible to claim Free School Meals (FSM) for their child is benefiting from this additional help. With this in mind we have made it easier for parents to apply for a free school meal. Our new application process means that all applications are now made electronically. In just a few simple steps and a matter of minutes parents will receive an instant decision on whether their application has been successful. The new application process is now live and can be accessed immediately here: Synergy - Enquiry (  PLEASE NOTE: All children in Rec, Y1 & Y2 are eligible for UNIVERSAL free school meals. However, applying using this form will enable you/ your child to access ADDITIONAL financial support.
Applying for Free School Meals. 
We like to take into account any special dietary requirements. If this applies to your child please complete and return the form below.
SD1 Form V2 - NYCC March 2021 

Please note there will be a small increase in price effective from 1st September 2023 to £3.50.

Please see below copy of our current menu



Please click here for information relating to special events involving school meals



Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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