Weekly update 30/06/2023
30 Jun 2023
Weekly Update 30.06.23 UKRAINE
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’. To have the courage to act with kindness, patience, love and peace in all the communities they serve in.
Workshop with Ukrainian Digital Artist
We were so proud of all the KS2 children who took part in workshops led by Ukrainian digital artist, Tanya, at Ripon Cathedral on
Tuesday. It was a super day with a chance to see artwork created by local secondary school students for the Sanctuary Exhibition, as well as create our own. We also heard Tanya’s moving story about her journey from Ukraine which was a real inspiration to us as we have been reflecting on Refugee Week.
Rainbow Flower Festival
The children have done us proud, working so well as a team to create a beautiful display for this weekend’s Flower Festival in St Nicholas Church. Our display, entitled
Hands of Friendship, features an abundance of sunflowers, the national flower of Ukraine and a symbol of hope and peace. A special mention to the children who attend after-school club, who worked hard to complete the finishing touches. Please do pop in to take a look if you are passing through the village. Church will be open to all throughout the weekend from 9:00am to 5:00pm to view the displays and refreshments will be available.
There are also some bookable events taking place:
Friday 6:30 – 8:00 Preview evening with drinks and nibbles
Saturday 7:30pm Concert of choir and organ
Contact Judith Parkinson (470298) or Val Hayton (470735) if you would like tickets for these two events.
In school next week….
Monday – Gardening/Library Club with Mrs Court
Tuesday – General after-school club with Mrs Johnson
Wednesday – Sports Cool – booked directly with Chris as normal.
Thursday – Netball with Mrs Staveley
North Yorkshire Music Service
These sessions will continue for Asteroid Class each Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child’s instrument is in school on this day.
Brass Performance
Y3/4/5/6 would like to share their new skills on brass instruments with you. There will be a mini performance at
3pm on
Friday 7th July in the school hall led by their brass teacher, Miss Wilkins. Please come along and support them.
If your child is interested in continuing to play a brass instrument there are a few options. If they would like to learn via a teacher coming into school, group lessons can be a cheaper way to access lessons. These will be organised via the music hub, please follow the link:
Alternatively, there is an option to borrow instruments and receive some tuition via Bedale Brass Band, who are restarting their Junior band which meets at 5.30 on a Wednesday evening in Leeming. Contact Ken Hughes on ken@birchcottage.me.uk
There is some real talent amongst the group and it would be brilliant if we could keep some of them going on brass instruments.
Forest School
This will continue every Wednesday morning until the end of term. Despite the warm weather, please ensure all Nursery children have a kit that covers their arms and legs as the children will still be amongst the trees, nettles, climbing mud banks etc! Waterproofs and wellies are also still required.
Rockets will have a morning session on
Fri 7th July and Asteroids will have a morning on
Fri 14th July.
Year 6 Leaver's Service, Ripon Cathedral
Friday 7th July, Miss Marlow will be taking the Year 6 children to the Cathedral for their Leaver's Service. It starts at 10.30 and runs for an hour. They have already done some preparation work on the theme of "Choose Life" from the story Jonah. The children will be back in time for lunch so no special provision needs to make made regarding packed lunches and dinners.
Newby Hall
Thank you to everyone who as already responded and paid. If you have not yet done so, please can you do this by Monday 3
rd July.
The trip will take place on
Tuesday 4th July 2023. The children will leave school at 9.30am, returning to school for normal collection time.
Children will need to bring the following with them:
- A drink (water only in a plastic bottle)
- A packed lunch (unless pre-ordered from school)
- Sun hat and sun lotion (applied before attending school please)
- Raincoat
- A small ruck sack to carry this in
- School uniform and sensible footwear such as trainers should be worn
Year 6 Outing
Wednesday 5th July, Year 6 will be heading into Harrogate with Miss Marlow and Mrs Johnson for their end of year outing. We will be visiting the Valley Gardens before going to our Escape Room experience at Clue HQ in the town center. Afterwards, as we will have worked up an appetite, we will be enjoying ice cream or pancakes at a cafe nearby. Please can the children come into school in their school uniform with a bag/rucksack containing their packed lunch, drink and waterproof coat. We will be leaving school after Collective Worship and will be back in time for the end of the day.
Please could children have a Summer PE kit in school which includes shorts, t-shirt and trainers/plimsolls. They should also have a sunhat, sun cream (already applied or in book bags) and a water bottle every day. Please could any children that attend Nursery on Thursdays also have a PE kit with them. PE is on a Thursday afternoon.
On-line Safety
For tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online please follow the link below: