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Weekly update 08/09/2023

08 Sep 2023

Weekly update Friday 8th September 2023

  -Weekly Update 8.09.23 UKRAINIAN.pdf-  

                                                                Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
Welcome back to the new school year, it has been lovely to see the children back in school, enthusiastic to start their learning and see their friends.  We are excited for the school year ahead and look forward to sharing the exciting activities that we have planned.
Please see below for the information you need for the coming weeks, if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Diary Dates
The diary dates for the year ahead will be added to the website by 3PM today. These can be accessed by the quick links/school calendar diary tab on the website. 

Class Pages

These will be updated by 12 noon today, where you will find information regarding contact details for your class teacher, timetables for your class and your class newsletter.

Communication Policy
This policy has been sent to parents this week, please read this important document, as it explains how to communicate with school and how you will receive information from school.  It also explains where to find pertinent information on the website.
Problems with the website

If you are experiencing problems receiving emails from school, please access the guidance

if this does not resolve the issue, please report this to school and we will pass this onto our website provider.

Attendance in school:
We know that sometimes our pupils cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students. Medical advice is clear however that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? - link below, is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness.
Please return any Request to administer medication forms and medication for your child to the school office.  The forms can be found on the website under the Parents/Medical forms and information tab.


Amendments to the 2006 regulations make clear that the Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. 
We would ask parents to carefully consider the impact of taking holidays during term time before they request any further holidays this academic year.

We know that pupils fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school and are left with significant gaps in their learning. Time away from school can also cause increased anxiety in children. 
At our school we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our pupils in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success. 
Please work with us to achieve outstanding attendance and outcomes for our children.

We thank you for your support.

Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, we will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:

Rockets Friday 27th October

Comets Friday 20th October

Asteroids Friday 13th October

Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for forest school, along with waterproof trousers and coats.  Please no shorts.

Clubs & Activities

Clubs and activities have been organised differently this term.  An email for each club has been sent, to sign your child up simply click to respond. If the club is provided by an outside provider, please contact them directly. We will load payments for these to parent pay early next week. These should be paid no later than Friday 15th September 2023.  


We will be offering the following clubs:

Book Club – Monday 3.30-4.30

Starting Monday 11th September - 11th December 2023

£5.00 each session Payment will be via Parent pay. 
Open to all year groups. 
Football Club with Miss Tucker - Tuesday 3.30-4.30
Starting Tuesday 12th September - 12th December 2023

£5.00 each session Payment will be via Parent pay. 
Open to all year groups. 

Wednesday - No club – wrap around care as normal

Art Club - Thursday 3.30-4.30
Starting Thursday 14th September – Thursday 14th December 2023.  
£5.00 each session Payment will be via Parent pay. 
Open to all year groups. 

Music Club with Mrs Harris – Friday 12:30 – 1:00
Starting Friday 15th September – 15th December 2023
£2.50 per session Payment will be via Parent Pay  

Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Places must be booked for the full term and are non-refundable in cases of absence.


Back to School Service

Everyone is invited to come together for a special back to school service at St Nicholas Church this Sunday 10th at 9.30am.  Reverend Sian invites us to bring along our school or work bags to be blessed as we look forward to the new school year

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'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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