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Weekly Update Thursday 14th March 2024

14 Mar 2024

Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
Weekly Update Thursday 14th March 2024

New this week…

After School club.

Due to the high levels of staffing needed for the Bewerley Park residential trip, there will be no clubs after school next week, only after school supervision. Please only use this facility if necessary and confirm your place via email by Friday.

Forest School

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are in the Forest on Friday 15th March to celebrate our golden thread. Please ensure children have a full set of waterproofs and wellies.

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 are in the forest Friday 22nd March to celebrate our golden thread. Please ensure children have a full set of waterproofs and wellies.

Comic Relief

Tomorrow will be Red Nose Day.  Our school councillors have been very busy consulting with their classmates about how best to mark this occasion.  We have decided to go for a non-uniform day and children are invited to wear something red if possible to fit in the Go Red with Blue Peter theme.  This might just be a red accessory – it is up to you how far you take the red theme!  If you would like to make a small donation, you can do so through school, but we understand that you may prefer to donate via other means.  Many thanks to the School Council who led Collective Worship today to share some information about what Red Nose Day is all about.


Just a reminder about the expectations for school uniform:

School Uniform
We like our pupils to take a pride in their appearance and be smart at all times. 
Our school uniform & sports kit is very simple and smart.

School Uniform
Royal Blue Sweatshirt
White polo shirt
Grey trousers/shorts
Grey pinafore / skirt
White / grey socks
Black shoes (please note no trainers)

School uniform can be purchased at:
Ripon Uniform Shop
64 Blossomgate, Ripon, HG4 5JN  Tel: 01765 692233
Plain hairbands and bobbles only please.
All hair below chin length should be tied back please.

Sports Kit

Please ensure your child has the correct and appropriate Sports Kit in school each Friday:
Plain Black/blue shorts or joggers and 
Plain black or blue hoody
Plain white t. shirt

We are outside in all weathers and some children have not had the appropriate clothing to stay warm.
PSHE – Clever Never Goes

Just a reminder that PCSO Heather will be calling into school this afternoon to talk to the children about the Clever Never Goes message…and possibly answer a few questions about her career in the Police too.  Parents and carers are warmly invited to pop in anytime from 2:45pm to join these sessions if interested to hear more.  PCSO Heather will also be around at the end of the school day should any parents want to catch her for a chat or any advice.

RSE Survey - Reminder

Our federation policy for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) has been in its current form for three years.  We are now consulting parents and carers once again as we come to review it.  We would be very grateful if you could take a moment to complete our survey and return it to school by Friday 22nd March.  You can access the survey by clicking on the link below:
…or complete the paper copy that came home with your child last week.  Many thanks to all those who have already taken the time to do this.  Your help is much appreciated.

Coming Up...

Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
The Sleep Clinic
Need help with your child’s sleep - Sleep clinics for families of children aged 12 months upwards in North Yorkshire, see link below
SC-0049NYFlyer.indd (
Online Gaming - Roblox
Online gaming can be great fun for our children and we teach widely in school about how to be safe when playing online. A game we know many of our children (across the school) enjoy is Roblox. This site can be suitable for wide age-range but needs to be managed carefully with support from adults at home. Please see the following website for  specific information and advice to support you at home: 

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Ofsted 'Good' April 2024
'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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