School Info


05 Apr 2018

Admissions Information

All admissions are completed in accordance with the school and LA's admissions policies. Children living in the school's catchment area are normally offered a place at school. Applications from parents living out of the catchment area should be made to the Harrogate Education Office. The current planned admission number is 10 children per year group. Prospective parents are welcome to look around the school and should contact the school office to make an appointment.

Reception and/or Infant to Junior School – if your child is due to start Reception or transfer from Infant School to a Junior School in September 2025. The round will open on 12 October 2024 and close on 15 January 2025 
To apply for a place and for further information on the admissions process, please click here.

Application for a current school place - if you need to make an application for a school place that is not covered by the above you can apply at 

More information on the school admissions process, school statistics and information on school admission appeals can be found here 

If you have any other questions our school staff are always happy to help; please contact the school office on 01677 470329 or email


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