Please note that this area of the website is currently being reviewed and updated.

If you have any questions please contact the school.

Please find below details of  documents required to be posted on the school website to comply with current GDPR :

 Admissions Privacy Notice 

Complaints Privacy Notice

Employment Privacy Notice - Supply and Agency Staff_

Parents and Pupils Privacy Notice 

Recruitment Privacy Notice 

Update privacy notice for COVID

Updated privacy notice September 2020

Volunteers Privacy Notice 


Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
Copyright © 2024   St Nicholas Church of England Primary School
Website Design & Development for Schools By VisioSoft   |   T&C
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Ofsted 'Good' April 2024
'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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