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Weekly Update

16 Jun 2023

Weekly Update 16.06.23

  -Weekly Update 16.06.23 UKRAINE.pdf-  

In school next week….
Monday – Gardening/Library Club with Mrs Court
Tuesday – General after-school club with Mrs Johnson
Wednesday – Sports Cool – booked directly with Chris as normal.
Thursday – Netball with Mrs Staveley  

North Yorkshire Music Service
These sessions will continue for Asteroid Class each Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child’s instrument is in school on this day.

Art Workshop with Andy Hill
 We are very excited to welcome the artist and sculptor Andy Hill to school next week.
Andy will be delivering this term's art learning all about sculpture. Andy specialises in working with clay and all the children in school will have the opportunity to work with him to produce their own clay sculpture using their newly learnt techniques.

Refugee Week 2023
This will take place next week: 19 – 25 June, and we shall be thinking about compassion and healing. The following week the KS2 children will be visiting Ripon Cathedral on Tuesday 27th to take part in workshops led by Tanya Bohdanovska, a Ukrainian digital artist.  The children will also get the chance to view the Sanctuary exhibition.  We are very grateful to the Johnson and Mukherjee Trust who will be funding this event for us.  More information to follow.
A big thank you…
…to all the children who gave up their time to represent school at last Sunday’s all-age service.  It was wonderful to have so many helpers and I know the church community really enjoy your contributions.  It has been fantastic to see you all develop as confident communicators throughout the year.  As a thank you for all your hard work and commitment, I would like to invite all children who have helped over the course of the year for ice cream in the park after the next all-age service on Sunday 9th July.  Save the date!
Last call…
…for next Tuesday’s JAM messy church session.  Many thanks to all those who have already responded.  If your child would like to participate, please could you let us know by the end of today.
Holiday Club
…and if your children love messy church, perhaps they would be interested in this FREE 3-day holiday club taking place in Snape at the beginning of the summer holidays?  Please see flyer below for more details:

  -Holiday Club.pdf-  

Other information: 

Please could children have a Summer PE kit in school which includes shorts, t-shirt and trainers/plimsolls.  They should also have a sunhat, sun cream (already applied or in book bags) and a water bottle every day.  Please could any children that attend Nursery on Thursdays also have a PE kit with them.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
Parking and Access
The week after next, parents are kindly requested to park in the village hall car park or on the main road and walk up, as there will be roadworks at the turning into Mowbray Terrace as the dropped kerbs are constructed for new house.  This is for the safety of the children.

ChatGPT - A guide for parents/carers 
Follow the link to find out more about ChatGPT:

Sun safety 
Finally we have some sunshine! We are delighted but it is important we keep the children safe during these sunny periods. Please ensure your child has the following on hot sunny days to keep them safe: sun hat/cap, water bottle and suncream applied before arriving at school.  If you wish, you may also provide your child with suncream to top-up at school; this needs to be a named bottle and your child will need to apply it themselves (adults will supervise and support as necessary for each age-group).

On-line Safety 
For tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online please follow the link below:

Loom Bands
Please could we ask that loom bands are not brought into school as we are concerned about the choking hazard they may present.  Thank you for your support with this.

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