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Weekly update 08/12/2023

08 Dec 2023

Weekly update 08/12/2023

Our Vision 
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’. 
New this week… 
Coming up...
Please could all Nativity costumes be in school by Tuesday 12th December.  Please note that the children have bare feet so no socks/tights/shoes are required.
Could parents of children in Years One and Two support their child to learn their lines at home.  Thank you for your support with this.
Asteroid Class (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) have been invited to decorate the Christmas Tree at church on Thursday 14th December.  They will be making a decoration in class before we go and hang it up before lunch.  

Forest School
Rocket class, (Nursery, Reception, years 1 and 2) will be working on our golden thread, be creative, in forest school on Friday 15th December.

Winter Reading Challenge
We were thrilled that so many of our children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge, this year the reading agency are running a mini winter challenge please follow the link to join in and read along. We look forward to hearing all of your recommended reads.
We are hoping to win a bundle of books for the school, we would be greatly appreciative if everyone could take 2 minutes to enter via the link below to give the school more chance of winning. Thank you for your help with this.

 Piano Lessons
Mrs Harris is going to be offering piano lessons to Year 2 and above. These will take place on a Friday morning in school time. Lessons will need to be paid for directly to Mrs Harris. If you are interested please email her on 
Lessons will last for 20 minutes and cost £10 per week for an individual lesson or £7.50 for a pair/ group lesson. Please let Mrs Harris know which you prefer. 

 Friends of St Nicholas
Christmas Disco
3.30 till 5pm on Wednesday 13th December. Free to all ages, (nursery to be accompanied by an adult). Children will need to bring a change of clothes to school. Also some change for the tuck shop and Christmas lucky dip if they wish. The Friends will provide drinks. Rascals Entertainment from Harrogate will be doing the disco with fun songs and games appropriate for all. A separate email has been sent out about this – if you would like to attend and have not yet responded, please contact

  -Untitled design_20231126_202531_0000-V407513365.pdf-  
All-age Worship
School has been asked once again to help with the next family service at St Nicholas Church on Sunday 10th December at 9.30am.  All welcome. Many thanks to all thos who have volunteered to read.

Help needed! 
We are keen to further develop the wildlife area at the back of our outdoor classroom and the raised beds outside of the hall. The children have lots of exciting ideas for these, but we really need some help to develop these. 
If any parents have some time to give to help develop these, or know someone in our community who could help, we would be really grateful for their support. 
This could be by running an afterschool club alongside a staff member from school, or giving some time each week during the school day to help. 
If you are able to help, or know someone who is, please contact the school office. 
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates… 

Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing
Please click here or find attached information from North Yorkshire Healthy Schools about the importance of and ideas for a healthy packed lunch:
North Yorkshire Packed Lunch Guidance - Healthy Schools North Yorkshire


Resources to help children with anxiety - Anxiety UK 
News from the Wider Community… 


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Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
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'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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