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Weekly update 17/11/2023

17 Nov 2023

Weeklyupdate Friday 10th November 2023. 
Our Vision 
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’. 
New this week… 
Crucial Crew 
Our Year 6 will be taking part in Crucial Crew on Thursday 23rd November, parents of Year 6 will be contacted directly. 
Important message from sports crew 
On Thursday 23rd November Sports Crew will be doing a ‘feel good Thursday’ lunchtime, where they will be doing a healthy tuck shop. We will be selling fruit, vegetable sticks and snack bars at a cost of 10-50p a portion. Please send your child in with change if you wish. We will also be running some clubs, we will let you know what they are and when they will be starting, as soon as possible. 
Collective Worship 
We would like to invite parents to join us in our collective worship on Wednesday 22nd November at 9.00am in the school hall.  Please access school via the front door, collective worship is fifteen minutes long. 
Parent Working Party 
Please come along to our first parent working party on Wednesday 22nd November, please note this will now be at 9:15am following Collective Worship. This is a great opportunity to share views and suggestions and help to continue to move our school from strength to strength.  We look forward to seeing you there. 
A note from our School Council and Wellbeing Ambassadors: 
For this year's Children In Need 2023, Joe Wicks has set us a challenge to do 1,000 "bearpees" or more. Each class will be taking part in this everyday for our fitness break next week - Asteroids will do 15, Comets will do 10 and Rockets will do 5 everyday. If this goes to plan, we hope to achieve over 1,000 "bearpees" over the week. If you feel able to sponsor your child, they will be sent home with a sponsor form today. If you prefer, your child may bring into school a small donation on Friday 17th November when all children and staff are invited to wear fitness or sportswear for the day. Donations or sponsor money can also be made via ParentPay if this is more convenient. Via the following link 
Help needed! 
We are keen to further develop the wildlife area at the back of our outdoor classroom and the raised beds outside of the hall. The children have lots of exciting ideas for these, but we really need some help to develop these. 
If any parents have some time to give to help develop these, or know someone in our community who could help, we would be really grateful for their support. 
This could be by running an afterschool club alongside a staff member from school, or giving some time each week during the school day to help. 
If you are able to help, or know someone who is, please contact the school office. 
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates… 
Resources to help children with anxiety - Anxiety UK 
News from the Wider Community… 
The Friends of St Nicholas
 The Friends are looking for any donations of cakes and jarbolas for our Christmas fair on Sunday 26th November, these would be greatly received by Friday 24th November, they can be left at school or handed to any of us on the playground.
Finally if anybody feels they would be free to help out on the day all help however small would be amazing. 



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