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Weekly Update 6th June 2024

06 Jun 2024


We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…

Phonics Screen Check
Some children in KS1 will be taking part in the National Phonics Screen check on the week beginning 10th June.  Information about this will be sent home with your child if it is relevant to them.
School Photographs
We are welcoming Rachel-Evelyn from Sweetpea Photography on â€‹Monday 17th June 2024.  
Rachel will be working to take photos of the children individually and with their siblings. As well as a group photo of our Year 6 children. 
If you would like to have a photo of your child with their younger sibling (children not yet at our school). These photos will take place at the start of the school day 8.45am. 
School Uniform
As the weather has improved please can we ensure that children come to school with a sun hat, wearing sunscreen.  Don’t forget a waterproof coat, just in case.

Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates… 
We have received the following information from the North Yorkshire Council Health and Safety Department which school must follow with immediate effect regarding jewellery in school.

All schools have been advised to follow the advice of the Association for Physical Education regarding the wearing of jewellery for PE/sporting activities.

This National guidance states that no jewellery should be worn in PE and that includes swimming and physical activity.
The guidance also outlines the following:

It is not safe to cover ear-rings / studs / sleepers with tape. The reason is both because of the potential tearing of the ear lobe, but also the chance that the post of the ear-ring could damage the neck which is where the brachial nerve is running directly to the brain. There are anecdotal cases of children wearing ear-rings / studs with plasters over being hit by a ball or coming off worse in a collision and having nasty injuries as a consequence.

Where an item of Jewellery cannot be removed then it is the adult teaching the group’s responsibility to try to establish a safe situation. Where safe participation cannot be assured then the pupil cannot take part in that element of the lesson.
Pupils should remove their own jewellery. This should be made clear to parents and carers. If the child is unable to do this themselves, they should not wear any. School policy should explain this to parents from the outset.

Whilst the removal of jewellery for PE/sports activities has always been in place, many parents send children with taped ears or ask school staff to tape these before the lesson. Unfortunately, school is no longer permitted to do this and all jewellery will therefore need to be removed at home and not worn to school.

The guidance also states:
Parents should be reminded that the school has the higher-level duty of care and cannot be put in the situation of looking after their child without exercising that duty of care. It is dictated by national guidance, and they need to comply. Parental disclaimers are ineffective and legally unenforceable.

Even if parents request for staff to remove jewellery or accept responsibility for their child to undertake PE/sports events with wearing these this will not be allowed.

We thank you for your support in this matter.

News from the Wider Community…

Message from Friends

Comedy Night
Tickets are still available for the Comedy Night on Friday 28th June at West Tanfield Village hall. Tickets £20 for a great night out!

Village Sports Day

The annual West Tanfield Parish Sports Day is being held this weekend, Saturday 8th June.  All are welcome at the event which includes a duck race, raft race, traditional sports races and an after-party. Please see the attached flyer for more details of the day and a schedule of events.'


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Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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