
Physical Education

22 Nov 2022

Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity

We want to inspire our pupils to be physically and mentally well; PE and physical activitiy play a key part in this.

Our curricuum is aspirational, as is our curriculm enrichment.

We aspire for all our children to be fit and safe which is why we promise all our children will be able to skip, swim and cycle safely before they leave our school.

We provide a wide range of opportunities for high quality Physical Education, school sport, curriculum enrichment and physical activity; these play a key role in living out our school vision; enabling children to ‘live life in all its fullness’ and ‘shine like stars in the sky.’

Physical Education (PE)
 is the curriculum provision made for pupils during the school day. It is based around the National Curriculum requirements and our own learning principles. Pupils have access to at least one hour of PE each week, with additional PE sessions for swimming and OAA.

School Sport
is important to us. We strive to offer all of our pupils the opportunity to experience a wide range of sporting provision; this is made for pupils outside of curriculum time but via school. This may include activities led by our Sports Crew at lunchtime, a range of after school clubs, inter-house competitions each half term and a range of competitions outside of the school day with links to sports clubs and school teams. Being part of the Ripon Cluster Wellbeing Partnership allows us to access a range of inter school competitions on a regular basis.
Children experience a range of individual and team sportsand and therfore the benefuts these have benefits physical and emotional health. Our programme of PE and school sport also creates a wide range of opportunities to learn the values associated with competition including wining and loosing well, fair play, rule of law and team work.
We also endeavour to introduce children to arange of sports and physical activity that they may not normally have access to through our enrichment programme, so every child can find a physical acvtivity they love that they take from school into their life moving forwards.
Examples of some of our enrichment include gardening, fencing, archery, volleyball, hand ball and many more.

Physical Activity
This may include activity out of curriculum time such as  active playtime/lunchtime, after school clubs, competitions outside of the school day, links to sports clubs and school teams.
This also includes planned activity during curriculum time; our children undertake 1 x 10 minute sessions of high intensity physical activity every day (50+ minutes of fitness per week) in the form of our skip 2 B Fit and daily mile initiatives; this demonstrates our commitment to our children’s physical health. This has had a significant impact on all of our children's fitness levels.Our children also access forest school sessions on a half term rolling programme, exploring the forest, enjoying the fresh air and developing resilience, team work and fine and gross motor skills.

Whole School Curriculum Intent and Implementation 
PE progression document

PE progression document addendum

Subject leader summary for PE  

Sport-Premium 2024 statement with impact

Sport-Premium 2025 statement




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'Pupils thrive at this small and inclusive school.'
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary.'
'The school has high expectations for what pupils can achieve.'
'The school provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'
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