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09 Aug 2023







TT Rockstars/Numbots Day

Miss Asker - 11 Jun 2021



Well what a fantastic day we had at school on Tuesday where we all came together to launch/relaunch TT Rock Stars and Numbots and celebrate maths across the school. It was a fantastic day and lots of fun was had. It was great to see the whole school dressed up and enjoying working together to solve maths puzzles. 

In the morning we stayed in our own classes and completed maths challenges and tasks.  The Tigers were a sight to behold as they ventured into the village to complete a number hunt and traffic survey.  Do take a look at the Tiger Class page to see what they got up to.

In Panthers we took part in a Top of the Rocks Battle against Kirkby Malzeard. Each year group was allotted a 25 minute time slot to test their times tables knowledge and try to score points. Well done to Kirkby Malzeard who won the battle this time. Look out for future battles where hopefully St Nicholas will come out on top. A very special mention to Matilda who finished in 5th place across both schools. A super effort Matilda and we are very proud of you. 
We also had a go at solving various puzzles and problems involving multiples, times tables knowledge and logical thinking. The children worked hard with their partners and showed real determination and mathematical knowledge to help them be successful. 

In the afternoon it was the turn of the Tigers to be on the computers and they looked at Numbots, a new resource we have in school to really encourage children with their recall of number bonds and facts. As the children work through the different levels they earn coins to buy new robot parts whilst learning invaluable number facts. 

The Panthers started learning Rolling Numbers which encourages the children to chant their times tables and help them with their fluency. Have a look at the video below to see how well they did with rolling their nines. 

We then all went outside to work together solving a magic square puzzle. The children had to hunt for items outside to make the numbers 1 - 9 making sure they had the same number of each item as the number they were making. They then had to arrange them in a three by three square so that each row and column totaled 15. Why not see if you can do this at home. If you find that too easy you could have a go at using a four by four grid and the number 1 - 16 making each row and column total 34. The children found this tricky but worked really well together and used their number bonds and trial and error to all succeed. The children then had a scavenger hunt to complete thinking about how maths really is all around us.

Slide Show 


It really was a fantastic day. 



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