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Support our Library

School Council - 09 Feb 2019

Our school council have embarked on an exciting new project which we hope will result in a wonderful revamped school library for all our children to enjoy, both now and in the future.  You might see flyers with the following information coming through your door:

At St Nicholas CE Primary School we continually strive to ensure our children have access to a wide range of reading material and endeavour to provide the very best in children’s literature.  In recent years due to budget restraints our school library has been a sadly underused resource.  It is our aim to revamp our library and put it back into the heart of our school and we would like to ask for your help!  Would you like to sponsor reading at our school either as an individual or a company?  If so, please complete the form below and return it to school.  We shall create a sponsors’ board in the library to show appreciation of everyone who has helped our children become dedicated readers.  You will also be invited to the grand opening of our newly revamped library.

Please do look out for the information and pass it on to any individuals or businesses you feel might like to support us.  You can download a sponsorship form here:

  -West Tanfield library launch.pdf-  


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Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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