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09 Aug 2023







Sensory Garden Consultation

Mrs Hatch - 13 Jan 2020

  -West Tanfield Consultation Questionnaire1 pdf.pdf-  
We are currently in the process of trying to obtain a lottery grant to develp our school grounds.  Please see attached a consultaion paper with questionnaire.  We would be very grateful if you could help out by giving your views on the proposed developments by filling in and returning the questionnaire to school.  We are looking for parents and members of the local community to help out with the project so if you feel you can help out in any way or know of anyone who might be interested in helping, please do get in touch.
Many thanks

Please note the last date to return the questionnaire should read 14.2 20 

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Mowbray Terrace, West Tanfield
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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