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Weekly Update 21.1.23

27 Jan 2023

Weekly Updates – 20.1.23
Good morning,
Please see below for any updates for the week ahead.
In school next week...
Swimming lessons on Wednesday for Rocket Class.
Children will need:
Swim cap (These can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £1.00 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)
One-piece costume for girls and shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).
Goggles (optional)
Hair tied up
Forest School
Asteroid class continue forest school sessions each Wednesday until half term. Children should wear old, comfortable clothes and wellies or trainers for this along with waterproof trousers and coats.
School visit to Makkah Mosque – Key Stage One
Don't forget to read and confirm your child's attendance on the school visits to the Mosque in Leeds. Payment and the additional voluntary contribution are now live on Parent Pay. The Mosque want to welcome us as their guests and have asked that we do not alter our dress code for the visit, please ensure that children are wearing full, smart school uniform to show respect and to represent the school. If you are bringing a packed lunch from home, please read the visit information letter carefully.
Other information:
Young Voices
A letter with details for the day will be coming shortly - 3 weeks to go! Keep practising at home please. A copy of the lyrics is attached in case yours has been misplaced. A few points to note in advance:
  • We are part funding the coach costs but we are asking for contributions of £10 per child towards the cost. This is payable via Parent pay in the normal way. 
  • We are expecting the tshirt order into school soon - we will check these and then give them out on the day. Children will need to wear smart school uniform. If you haven't ordered a tshirt, children will need a PLAIN white tshirt please. 
  • If you have booked a ticket through school, they should be emailed to us in the next week or so. N.B. If you are wanting to park at the arena, you need to book car parking - apparently it sells out. https://www.utilitaarenasheffield.co.uk/latest-news/young-voices
  • The concert will begin at 7pm and doors open at 6pm. 
https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.pngLyrics 2023 Printable.pdf
Settle Stories author visit
On Tuesday 7th February, as part of our Golden Thread of being lifelong readers there will be an author visit in the afternoon at St Nicholas.  Sita Brand is a published author and will be reading the whole school a story before holding workshops for KS1 and KS2.  We are so excited to have this opportunity!  Her book, The Dragon's Pearl, will be available to purchase after the workshops - more information to follow when it has been received.  The PTA have very generously said that they might be able to contribute to some of the costs for this experience, thank you very much indeed.
Asteroids Year 5 and 6
On Wednesday 8th February in the afternoon, Years 5 and 6 are attending a matinee performance of the Little Shop at Horrors.  This is held at Bedale High School and a bus will be collecting the children at lunchtime and returning at approximately 4pm.  Thank you to those parents who have given consent. The PTA has very kindly said that they will fund the cost of the bus, this is very generous and greatly appreciated. 
School Administrators
We are delighted to announce we have appointed two new school administrators across the federation. Mrs Paula Phillips and Miss Jessica Tucker and we look forward to welcoming them to our team next week.
Mrs Paula Phillips will be based at our Kirkby site; office hours will be from 8.30am – 1.30pm Monday to Thursday, with Miss Tucker at Kirkby each Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm.
Miss Tucker will be mainly based at our St Nicholas site; office hours 8.30am – 1,30pm Monday to Thursday.
Please bear with the staff as they settle into their new role. A huge thanks to parents for their patience whilst we have undertaken the recruitment process.
Winter outdoor clothing
Please can children all come to school in a warm and waterproof coat- we are outside in all weathers so children must be appropriately dressed.
Safeguarding, health and Wellbeing Updates 
Internet Safety Support for Parents
Finding games for children which are appropriate for their age, which work on the devices the children use and the children will actually enjoy playing can be a minefield, particularly when parents are being bombarded with the 'but everyone else is playing this game' guilt trip. Game Finder is a new (free) service available from Taming Gaming which walks parents through various aspects, such as how old is your child? What devices do they have? What types of games do they like to play? And then gives a list of recommendations of suitable games. You can find Game Finder HERE. This can also be used to search games that you have heard your child(ren) mention to check if they are suitable.
Back to School – 5 things to do to beat winter illness
UKHSA publishes ‘Back to school – 5 things to do to help manage winter illness’ – https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2023/01/05/back-to-school-5-things-to-do-to-help-manage-winter-illness/
Find some of the simple actions that parents of school-age children can take to help protect their families and those around them against winter illnesses currently circulating.
Have a lovely weekend.

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